Comfortable places to wait, relax, or enjoy a meal.

Breeze through security during your next trip to YYG.

Use our parking guidance system to save time.
YYG is more than just a transportation hub; it is a cornerstone of our community and provincial and regional development. Our Sustainability Plan highlights our commitment to promoting economic growth, social equity, and environmental stewardship in Prince Edward Island.
Epekwitk (Prince Edward Island) is located on Mi'kma'ki the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi'kmaq People. The Epekwitnewaq Mi'kmaq have occupied this Island for over 12,000 years. We honour the "Treaties of Peace and Friendship" which recognize Mi'kmaq rights and established an ongoing relationship between nations. We are all Treaty People.
It is critical that we provide sufficient capacity and infrastructure to support the movement of people and goods in an efficient, safe, and sustainable manner. The ATB expansion project will allow us to increase capacity and provide for a more sustainable and efficient operation, all with a long-term view to deliver on our mission to provide a convenient, modern, and sustainable airport that connects people and drives economic growth in Prince Edward Island
YYG Stories
What's it like flying through FlyYYG? Hear about their experiences, directly from travellers in YYGStories...