Charlottetown Airport Authority believes in a strong, vibrant and growing community and supports this vision through special events and charitable partnerships.
Below are some events the airport initiated or sponsored in recent years:
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Both the Airport Authority and its employees support numerous charities and community not-for-profit organizations with the donation of time, expertise and money. Five prominent organizations that the Authority and its employees partnered with:
- Queen Elizabeth Hospital Foundation
- Prince County Hospital Foundation
- Stars for Life
- United Way
- Easter Seals

Flypei Runway Run:
Since 2013, Charlottetown Airport has held their annual 5km Runway Run event at the airport in support of a local PEI charity. Over 300 people lace up to support this local cause every year. Habitat for Humanity PEI and Cystic Fibrosis Canada - PEI Chapter have been recipients of this event.

PEI International Shellfish Festival:
Every September, competitive shuckers, celebrity chefs, music lovers and shellfish fans gather in Charlottetown for festivities built around the Island's shellfish industry. Charlottetown Airport has been a proud sponsor of the International Shellfish Festival, which celebrates our PEI seafood producers and harvesters and provides a strong draw for visitors to vacation on the Island during September.